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CPTED Mini Course Using Public & Corporate Art as a CPTED Strategy


This course focuses on using public and corporate artwork to enhance the main principles of CPTED and the supporting principles such as celebrated entryways, focal points, wayfinding, transition zones, positive activity generators, and more.

  • This mini course focuses on using artwork to enhance both the main CPTED principles of natural surveillance, territorial reinforcement, natural access control, and maintenance, and the supporting CPTED principles of celebrated entryways, focal points, wayfinding, transition zones, positive activity generators, and more.
  • There are no assignments, quizzes, or exams in this mini course.
  • This mini course is for informational purposes only, and no certificate will be awarded.

Training On Your Schedule

The online Basic CPTED Course is on demand, go at your own pace, & there is no deadline for completion.

Internationally Recognized

All of the NICP’s CPTED courses are open to participants worldwide and provides the opportunity to earn our CPTED Professional Designation (CPD). The CPD is recognized internationally and currently there are CPTED Professional Designation holders on six continents. Looking forward to adding Antarctica to the list!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this course count toward the NICP's CPTED Professional Designation (CPD) renewal?

No, this is a stand alone mini course that focuses on providing positive and negative examples illustrating the 4 principles of CPTED: natural access control, natural surveillance, territorial reinforcement, and maintenance. The course is designed to completed in 60 -90 minutes.

How is the course curriculum presented?

The course information is presented in a presentation format with audio to provide greater detail. This course is primarily visual examples of real-world CPTED opportunities and implementations, with some review of the four main principles of CPTED.

Are there any graded components for this course?

No, this is a purely informational course to provide more real-world examples of CPTED applications and can be used as a review of the four main CPTED principles. There is no certificate provided for this course.

Course Instructor

Art Hushen

President & Head Instructor

Art Hushen is the President/Owner of the National Institute of Crime Prevention (NICP, Inc.), a global training and consulting company specializing in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. (CPTED) The NICP maintains the nationally recognized CPTED Professional Designation (CPD) Program.

Prior to the creation of NICP, Inc., Art was assigned to the Tampa Police Department’s Special Operations Bureau / CPTED Section where he was instrumental in the creation of the Department’s CPTED Unit and Tampa’s first CPTED Ordinance for the Westshore Business District, which is the largest Business District in Florida. He implemented the CPTED review process for the Tampa Parks Department Greenways and Trails Master Plan. He worked with the Tampa Housing Authority on their Hope VI program and was part of the task force implementing design guidelines.


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Course Curriculum

CPTED Mini course Using Public and Corporate Art as a CPTED Strategy

  • Introduction to the NICP’s CPTED Mini Course Using Public & Corporate Art as a CPTED Strategy

  • How to Navigate This Course

  • Using Public and Corporate Art as a CPTED Strategy

  • The US CPTED Association

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