CPTED Specialized Topics – Schools
This 2 Day CPTED Specialized Topics course focuses on the school environment. Specialized Topics Courses allow you to expand your CPTED knowledge in specific areas. This course can be used to renew the NICP’s CPTED Professional Designation (CPD).
- All course curriculum must be completed and section quizzes passed with a minimum score of 80%.
- This CPTED Specialized Topics course includes 2 graded hands-on activities
- This CPTED Specialized Topics course concludes with a final exam – a minimum score of 80% is required to pass the course.
Training On Your Schedule
The online Basic CPTED Course is on demand, go at your own pace, & there is no deadline for completion.

Internationally Recognized
All of the NICP’s CPTED courses are open to participants worldwide and provides the opportunity to earn our CPTED Professional Designation (CPD). The CPD is recognized internationally and currently there are CPTED Professional Designation holders on six continents. Looking forward to adding Antarctica to the list!
Frequently Asked Questions
Does this course renew my CPD?
Yes, attending this online course or any other NICP 2 Day (16 Hour) CPTED in-person or online course every four years renews your CPD!
What is the format for the online CPTED courses?
The courses are on-demand, self-paced, and access to the course material never expires.
The course information is presented in a presentation format with audio to provide greater detail. There are some short videos that illustrate the material presented in each module. Throughout the modules there will be short 5 questions quizzes after each topic is completed. There are three graded projects included in the course. At the conclusion of the course there is a 50 question final exam.
How is the graded field assessment assignment managed from a distance?
You will locate a site within your community and have it approved by the NICP. Once the site has been approved, you will visit the site and conduct a CPTED Field Assessment. You are provided with a CPTED Field Assessment form for conducting the CPTED site assessment. Next, you will put together a presentation of your findings and recommendations following the presentation rubric provided. While visiting the site you will need to take pictures, conduct user interviews, and talk with a property stakeholder about issues being experienced at the site. You will also be required to collect demographics and crime data for the site.
What is the difference between the online and in-person courses?
The online courses are based on the NICP in-person 5 Day (40 Hour) Basic CPTED course and 3 Day (24 Hour) Advanced CPTED course. The online courses follow the same agenda, curriculum, include three graded assignments/course and a final exam just like the in-person courses.
Online courses in a group vs. individually?
The online courses are designed to be done individually, the assignments are to be done independently, and the work submitted should be unique for each student.
What to expect once you submit an online assignment?
Assignments are graded by NICP instructors, M-F, during regular business hours. We have instructors based on the East and West Coasts. Depending on which instructors are grading assignments each day and their location, the grading windows can vary. When a student submits an assignment on the online platform it is put in the grading queue and the assignments are graded in order of submission. Depending what time of day, the assignment is submitted it will either be graded that day or the next day.
Why can’t I move forward in the online course after submitting an assignment?
Once a student submits an assignment they can’t proceed to the next lesson until the assignment is graded and approved. If the assignment is approved, the student will receive a notification from the instructor which will include feedback on their submission. If the assignment is rejected, the student will receive a personalized email from the instructor letting them know what needs to be corrected before the assignment is resubmitted.
Why can’t I move forward in the online course after submitting an assignment?
Once a student submits an assignment they can’t proceed to the next lesson until the assignment is graded and approved. If the assignment is approved, the student will receive a notification from the instructor which will include feedback on their submission. If the assignment is rejected, the student will receive a personalized email from the instructor letting them know what needs to be corrected before the assignment is resubmitted.
Can the online Basic or Advanced CPTED courses be completed in the same 5- or 3-day time as the in-person classes?
In the online format it would not be possible for a student to complete the courses in the same 5 day and 3-day time periods done in the in-person classes. The advantage of the online courses is the flexibility to go at your own pace, while one of the advantages for in-person classes is the dedicated time for completing the courses.
How are certificates issued?
All NICP CPTED course certificates are issued through the digital certificate platform, Accredible. Once you have completed an NICP CPTED course you will receive an email with a link to your certificate dashboard. The NICP uses the email provided to register for your online courses or provided when you registered in person using the QR code. If the email isn’t in your inbox, please check your spam folder. If you still can’t locate the email, it may have been blocked by your organization’s firewall. In this case, we will need to send the email link to your personal email address.
Course Instructor

Jay Tooth
CPTED Instructor
Jay Toth is a 35-year veteran of law enforcement, retiring as a Lieutenant with the Volusia County, Florida, Sheriff’s Office. Jay supervised the crime prevention and school resource deputy program and was part of the school security assessment team providing security surveys, reviews, law enforcement services and training to the school district.
He regularly provided community education programs to neighborhood watch groups, home-owners associations, students, parents, citizen groups, clubs and associations on topics such as cyber-crime, internet safety, neighborhood watch, frauds, scams, school security, and crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). He completed numerous security and CPTED surveys, inspections and reviews for commercial, residential and educational facilities during his career.
Jay is a member of the Florida Design Out Crime Association and the Florida Crime Prevention Association. He holds his Florida Crime Prevention Practitioner, Florida School Resource Officer Practitioner, and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner designations through the Office of the Attorney General of Florida’s Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute.
He has been instructing law enforcement topics on a state-wide basis for over 20 years, including crime prevention and school resource officer topics for the Office of the Attorney General of Florida. Jay currently instructs topics on the state, national and international level such as Basic CPTED, Advanced CPTED, CPTED for Schools and CPTED for Houses of Worship for the Florida Office of the Attorney General and the National Institute of Crime Prevention.
Course Curriculum
Welcome to the NICP's Specialized Topics - CPTED for Schools Course
How to Navigate This Course
Welcome to the NICP’s Specialized Topics CPTED for Schools Course
Overview of Topics
Specialized Topics – Schools CPTED Course Manual
CPTED Specialized Topics Course Survey
Important Technical Information About the Online Courses
Navigating PDF Blueprints
Assignment Information
CPTED Library
Module Quizzes & Final Exam Review Study Guide (Downloadable for Printing)
Module 1: Introduction to CPTED for Schools
Introduction to CPTED for Schools
Optional PowerPoint Presentation for Reference: Introduction to CPTED for Schools
Project 1: Concerns Expressed Regarding Crime in Schools in Survey
CPTED Concepts for Schools – Part 1
Hardened Corners Video
CPTED Concepts for Schools – Part 2
CPTED Concepts for Schools – Part 3
Optional PowerPoint Presentation for Reference: CPTED Concepts for Schools
Module 1 Quiz
Module 2: Dangers and Threats Faced by Schools - Past and Present
Lessons Learned from History – Resources for Module 2
A Historical Overview of Violent Crimes in Schools
School Offender Profile and Safe School Initiative
Optional PowerPoint Presentation for Reference: School Offender Profile
Ohio School Shooting Suspect History
U.S. Secret Service Analysis of Targeted School Violence
Evan (Sandy Hook Promise PSA)
Averted Violence in Schools
Optional PowerPoint Presentation for Reference: Averted School Violence
Social Management for Schools – Layering Security Strategies
Optional PowerPoint Presentation for Reference: Social Management for Schools
Module 2 Quiz
Module 3: Lessons Learned from Previous Mass Casualty Incidents in Schools
Mass Casualty Incidents in Schools: An Overview of Recent Events in the News, Case Studies and Evaluating Environmental Design Factors in Previous School Crimes – Part 1
Mass Casualty Incidents in Schools: An Overview of Recent Events in the News, Case Studies and Evaluating Environmental Design Factors in Previous School Crimes – Part 2
Optional PowerPoint Presentation for Reference: Mass Casualty Incidents in Schools
The Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting in Parkland, Florida
Optional PowerPoint Presentation for Reference: The Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting in Parkland, Florida
Presentation of CPTED Concepts to the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Commission
Lawmaker Backs CPTED for Schools
Module 3 Quiz
Module 4: Conducting a School CPTED Survey
Assessment Tools for Schools
Jersey Creek Trails and Parks
Conducting a School CPTED Survey
Module 4 Quiz
Module 4: Conducting a Virtual School CPTED Survey Charrette
A Virtual School CPTED Survey Presentation
Project 2: Virtual School CPTED Survey Charette
Module 5: Evaluating New Design Trends in Schools
Designing to Prevent Minor Crimes vs. Mitigating Active Shooter Threats – Striking the Right Balance
Batten Shield
Security Enhancements in Schools Following Sandy Hook
Fruitport High School
Sandy Hook Elementary School
Module 5 Quiz
Module 6: Conducting A School Blueprint Site Review
Applying CPTED Strategies to School Blueprints
Optional PowerPoint Presentation for Reference: Applying CPTED Strategies to School Blueprints
Module 6 Quiz
Holy Family Catholic School
Holy Family Catholic School Blueprints
Project 3: Blueprint Review
Blueprint Project Exercise Results
- Blueprint Project Built Environment Results
More Resources
- More Resources for You
CPTED Specialized Topics - Schools Final Exam
Certificate Information
The US CPTED Association
CPTED Specialized Topics – Schools Final Exam