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Zachary Clark

NAVMC Veteran Consulting LLC

Phoenix Arizona

NAVMC Veteran Consulting
A disabled female veteran-owned small business that provides expertise in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), Emergency Management, Emergency Operation Plans, Business Continuity Plans, Physical Security, Threat Vulnerability Assessments, and Video Security Systems.

Zach Clark is the Director of Security and Emergency Management Consulting at NAVMC, a veteran-owned consulting firm that helps critical infrastructure stakeholders and other thought leaders to understand and better manage risk.

He has experience conducting Threat Vulnerability Assessments for Federal, State, and Local Government Complexes, Healthcare, Faith-based organizations, Water treatment facilities, and other Critical Infrastructure partners. He has also helped review and draft Emergency Operation Plans, Continuity of Operations, and Business Continuity Plans for public and private sector organizations.

Zach currently serves as a detective with a major metropolitan police department, assigned to one of the U.S.' most significant and complex municipal risk management units. With over 15 years of service, he is directly involved in critical infrastructure protection and project management while assigned to the State Intelligence Fusion Center.

Zach served in the United States Marine Corps, completed a combat tour to Iraq, and later served in physical security operations for military installations. He is certified in Dignitary Protection and has served in this role in both law enforcement and the military. He is certified in Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM), Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Professional Designation, and conducts certification training for all local public safety Threat Vulnerability Assessment (TVA) assessors. Zach has his Bachelor's Degree in Homeland Security Emergency Management from Grand Canyon University and is a current Threat Liaison Officer with experience in Dignitary Protection.

Contact Details






Organization:NAVMC Veteran Consulting LLC

Title:NAVMC Veteran Consulting LLC


Date Earned CPTED2022-08-31

Date CPD Expires2026-08-31

Date CPD Renewed


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