Justo Rivera
S.A.F.E. Long Island
Suffolk County Police Officer, NY (Retired)
Director of Security, Mercy First, Syosset, NY
Bilingual Polygraph Examiner
Reid Technique of Interview and Interrogation, John E. Reid & Associates
Post-Conviction Sex Offender Testing, Maryland Institute of Criminal Justice Advanced Polygraph and Interview Techniques, John E. Reid & Associates Investigative Interviewing & Positive Persuasion for Child Abuse Invest.
ASIS International, Physical Security Professional, PSP
ASIS International, Certified Protection Professional, CPP
ASIS International, Professional Certified Investigator, PCI
A.V.E.R.T. Instructor (Active Violence Emergency Response Training)
Certified Situational Awareness Instructor
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
Organization:S.A.F.E. Long Island
Title:Owner/Lead Trainer
Date Earned CPTED2021-10-19
Date CPD Expires2025-10-19
Date CPD Renewed