Shawn Reilly
Shawn came on board with Tech Systems in July of 2013. He brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience in risk assessments and security training. For almost nine years, he held the position of the Chief of Police and Director of Security for the Greenville Health System (GHS). As Chief of Police, he led a 16-man force that provided law enforcement services to the University Medical Center. As Security Director, he was responsible for a 130-man security force which is deployed to all campuses. Shawn is a retired Air Force Security Forces officer with 29 years experience in law enforcement, security, and antiterrorism. Upon his retirement, he went to work for a defense contractor in their asymmetrical threat division as a senior analyst conducting risk assessments and antiterrorism training to personnel at military installations. He holds both the Certified Protection Professional (CPP) and a Physical Security Professional (PSP) through the American Society of Industrial Security. He served on the ASIS technical committee for creating an ISO Risk Assessment Standard. He held the position as ASIS Chapter Chairman for the Western South Carolina Chapter for eight years and is a past Assistant Region VP responsible for region 4B. He holds further certifications in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPD) and Certified Healthcare Professional Administrator (CHPA) through the International Association of Healthcare Safety and Security. Shawn has been trained in technical security countermeasures (TSCM) through the Research Electronics International the largest commercial TSCM training facility in the world. His training includes basic and advanced procedural concepts of conducting a counter surveillance investigation with specific training in the use of broad band receivers, the radio frequency analyzers and digital telephone countermeasure analysis procedures. Shawn has a BS Degree in Education from Southern Illinois University and MS in Administration from Central Michigan University.
Organization:TECH SYSTEMS, INC.
Date Earned CPTED2017
Date CPD Expires08/10/2025
Date CPD Renewed10/08/2021