Kevin Corbin
A member of the Evansville Police Department since 2002, Kevin Corbin comes from a family dedicated to public safety, including seven (7) active or former police officers. Kevin has spent the majority of his career in the Crime Prevention Unit, where he put his passion for the community into effect through creative, people-based crime prevention strategies. He currently works as a coordinator in the Crime Free Multi-Housing Unit. Kevin holds both the Basic and Advanced Certifications in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) through the American Institute of Crime Prevention, as well as a Professional CPTED Designation through the National Institute of Crime Prevention. Training in these disciplines has taken Kevin to San Diego, CA, Louisville, KY, and Greenville, SC. As a product of his training, Kevin has conducted hundreds of threat assessments for all manner of businesses, from schools to financial institutions, healthcare facilities to large-scale manufacturing plants. Kevin's talent and dedication to site security is highly regarded by safety experts across the county, and he is regularly sought after as an instructor at security summits and universities, as well as the Southwestern Indiana Law Enforcement Academy. In addition, Kevin serves on both the Honor Guard and Mobile Field Force team for his department. Kevin also serves as an adjunct professor at Oakland City University, specializing in criminal justice classes.
Kevin's certifications and awards include:
A Master's Degree in Security Management from American Public University
OSHA 10 General Industry Certification
FEMA IS-00454, 00906, 00912, and 00860.c Certifications
Standardized Field Sobriety Training (SFST) Instructor through the Department of Transportation
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) and ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)
Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
Crime Free Multi-Housing (CFMH) Trainer
Indiana School Safety Specialist
Basic and Advanced Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED)
Professional Designation in CPTED
2008 Crime Prevention Officer of the Year
Multiple time recipient of the Evansville Police Department's Officer of the Month award
Two-time Bronze Merit Award recipient reference life-saving actions on the job
Married and the father of two beautiful daughters, Kevin completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Southern Indiana. He plays guitar and writes fiction in his spare time, and his works have been published as far away as Texas and Alaska.
Title:Crime Prevention Officer
Date Earned CPTED4/11/2013
Date CPD Expires9/1/2025
Date CPD Renewed